
I am certainly, verily  an out going personality  soft rock lover always laying in his head. I am selfishly  passionate,  caring and a problem solver, Mr fix it,  u may say. 

I am warm and pretty receptive to others.  I simply love life. And a challenge is always a good turn on. 


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Degree In Education University of Jos 


I have been a professional in Human resources, Admin and Humanitarian duties. Though my quest to act has never really had a known exposure,  I do believe I am one of the best and a professional actor. 

Every day I live I act,  deep down in me I can See Me Screaming all Day , hating the job,  hating some the people,  hating the society I live in... Outwardly though u see a loving and caring person. 

My life is an act,  I am married to some one that doesn't know me,  yet I know she feels she's had me,  the only real things in my life right now are my two boys,  and the fact that I have parties in my head,  travel a lot in my head and am always on stage in my head. 

A lot of people think I have insomnia or something of such,  but ever since at age 6 or there about, when I learnt how to change my night mares to pleasant dreams I controlled the outcomes,  I've never really slept like every normal person,  I have dialogs at night. I am. Always acting a dream at night. 

  My whole life is an act. 

I have had some acting as a kid in churches ,  but it will be nice to do it professionally this time around!! 


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