
I really, specifically, love acting and I think of it as a really cool thing to be indulged in. I believe that my talent is acting as I quite find it easy to enter into character and memorize my lines. I am also very creative in interpreting the script and engaging with the audience, therefore, bringing the fullest out of the film.


I’m currently a freelance actor trying to build my reputation by successfully completing different roles. I’m a dedicated individual and would sacrifice myself in cultivating what it takes in becoming a truly good actor. I have a lot of ambitions in becoming a great actor and that always drives me to always want to be good at it.


As Denzel Washington once said- “Black or white good parts are hard to come by. A good actor with a good opportunity has a shot; without the opportunity it doesn’t matter how good you are.”




Degree student pursuing Bachelor Of Arts In Film and animation studies- Mt Kenya University Main campus.


  • Freelance actor.
  • Director Of Photography(D.O.P); KIOKOTE MOVIE (Sep- Dec 2018)
  • Actor; ONCE I LOVED short film (march-April 2019)
