
My name is Joel gwantwa oswald aged 25 years originated from Mbeya , I am a student of film and television arts at UDSM university of of dar es salaam.

I am professional film maker but I am interested in writing script and stories because this is my talent since long time ago before starting my studies in university.

My stories usually based on fantasy because that is my best genre ever to be favored by me and I been always wishing to make good of it.

My feelings take me to the singing talent and nice voice that I have, in general I do music for the most of the time when I am free , I started singing when I was young .


Film Student


I  am a bachelor student studying film and television arts at university of dar es salaam.


I have experience of one year writing script my experience is due to the exercise I been making in the class and short movie we been making in class.
