
I describe myself as being passionate, dogged, creative, innovative and full of Life. I love to read, write, swim and I love music deeply. I also believe very strongly that you should "know everything, if you can but be known for something"; this underscores my deep desire to never stop learning so that you can stay updated and avoid being outdated. 




Diploma in Mass communication, but I'm currently a final year student of Mass communication at the same institution where I acquired my Diploma,  University of Jos,  Nigeria.


I acted in some films including yet to be released Queen Amina, directed by Izu Ojukwu, Little Cousine by Yilan Yusuf,  a Short film produced for United nations directed by Andy Bill. I have written scripts for mainly school productions but I have three short film scripts at the moment and I'm trying to get them produced ("I THINK I LIKE YOU", "THE  DAY I DIED" and "SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER") the last is based on a true life story. I have directed a school work, a peace education docudrama and aspiring to continue fully as a director, I also served as editor in chief of my school newspaper, UniJo Echo. I started photography about 4 years ago and now run a studio, Zemyen Studios in Jos, Nigeria; we provide Photography,  Videography and other related services. I have written about a  hundred poems, and run a personal blog. My Instagram handle is @zemyenphotography .
