
Since My childhood i was dedicated in Martial Art , making theater and acrobats and comedy, i was in love to the martial arts because my dream was high, looking at the future that i could be an actor, as My Passion for movies, cameras and collaboration were my strength and it was a dream to make movie, so MTF is my only opportunity for me to show my hidden talent all over the world.




My School High Level is high school.


I have being an actor since 2008,i have four long feature movies, my first movie was when i was 20 years old, and in my city it was the first action movie ever (Martial art) , my first movie was HERDER OF KUNG-FU 1. ATFER THIS MOVIE I DID HERDER OF KUNG FU 2 IN 2011, THE THIRD WAS ORGANIZED CRIME IN 2018 AND IN THIS MOMENT MITHS OF AFRICA IT STILL IN EDITION AND PREPARING FOR DEBUT. Movie is what i know the most but i have no wings to produce more movies,because of equipment, but i have talent. I hope making part of MTF some day and show my skills.
