- The American dream directed by Jason Potgieter (2012)
- The Unmen directed by Ashley Burton (2013)
- The Uneven Paving directed by Mdu Kweyama (2013
- pusha iskorokoro – Baxter theatre – Zabalaza Festival
- Push-Ah National Art festival directed by Zintle Ntshoko
- Push-Ah – Road show by (Zintle Ntshoko)
- Kellogs – Theatre in Education – Road show (HDI)
- Sanlam – Theatre in education - Road show (HDI)
- Stanlib - Theatre in Education - road show- financial literacy
- Buhle directed by Bongani Yona – short Film (2012)
- Documentary Pearson life orientation -The training room online S1 and S2 (December 2014) (march 2015)
- Film Endless river- Moonlighting STU Directed by Oliver Hermanus (2014)
- Documentary Case files Africa- Sibido productions (2014)
- Commercial coke – cola countries - SA, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, and Ivory Coast (2014)
- Bush pilot (actress) Miltha – Two ocean productions
- Bypass (Actress) Pumza – by Media Village
- Hectic nine 9 presenter search – SABC 2 (2013)
- The river 1magic actress (2018-2019)
- Voice over pep-post exposure prophylaxis documentary in Sotho and Zulu (2013)
- voice over Oncology for Grooteschuur Hospital – English (2014)
- Voice over – English – UCT TV
Drama Teacher
- Grade R-7 Isabel Beyers School speech and drama (2016 -2017)
- Teaching Isabel Beyers private School curriculum.
- Planning Lessons
- Conduct parents meeting
- Teach children correct speech, build their confidence,
- Use poems, songs and games to educated kids language
- Direct performing arts concert for schools
- Working under pressure
- Handling payment
Workshop training
- Teaching the fundamental of storytelling (February: 17 - March: 09 2018)
- Manage 20 – 50 Students
- use Art to teach Discipline, Team work and Concentration
- Reviv IV Therapy Cape town (February: 01 – 15 2018)
- Handling the on duty Nurse dairy
- Deal with cooperate clients
- Answering clients queries (telephonic and Email)
- Making bookings daily for clients
- taking care of client when they arrive
- cleaning