
A Creative Focused Individual with Profound Skills in Film Making, Acting, Talent Mentorship and Entertainment Entrepreneurship and having a vision to create More Opportunities and Platforms for Many More Young Talented Individuals Across Africa who are Actors, Models and Musicians so that they can also Earn a Living through using their Talents

My Philosophy; To Mentor the Talented, so that they can Earn and Sustain a Living through their Talents

Conducting a Talent Mentorship Session at Kenya Film Commission Resourse Center as i guided Actors, Models and Musicians on Branding and Marketing their Talents in the Entertainment and Film Industry
Conducting a Talent Mentorship Session at Kenya Film Commission Resource Centre as I guided Actors, Models and Musicians in Networking, Branding, Marketing in the Entertainment Industry





Master Class in Film and TV Production in Producing, Production Management, Acting and Cast Directing


Am an Entertainment Entreprenuer, Professional Actor, Film & TV Production Management, Cast Director and a Talent Mentor

