
By name he is called Gordon Samwel Atieno. Born in 30/11/1986 in Kisumu county.

Gordon started a school in 1991 primary level and completed class eight in the year 2002 with a minimum grade of 289 out of 500. In class six Gordon got sponsorship with plan international where he used to get gifts like set, pencil and books to study,later while in class eight he got a sponsor from UK by the name Mrs Gunby who was ready to sppnssp his education to degree level and to master level,this did not happen after Gordon managed to join form one as the villagers who were in charge of communication by sending letters to UK through plan inteeinternat office decided to interchange the letters from Gordon to Mrs Gunby telling her that Gordon has become irresponsible person in the society and did not even join form one. This happened as Gordon continued to wait for school fee to be sent which did not happen as other students continued to receive their school fee,for Gordon this was like a dream never come true. The communication was cut. 

In the year 2003 Gordon in  form one at Alwala mixed Boarding High school where he studied for only two terms then dropped out of school due to lack of school fee before completing form form third term.

By September 2003 Gordon was forced to move to Nairobi in search of school fee to enable him get back to school where he stayed with his sister for three months before he moved out to stay on his own in January 2004.

Gordon realising he could not manage to go back to school started selling groundnuts to gather capital to join a vocational training.

After two months of selling groundnuts his sister managed to gather 10,000 shillings and helped him join Juakali to study mechanics where he went for only two months but failed to complete as his teacher was so committed to other things than training him.

Gordon moved to pannel beating in a next garage where he also studied for only two weeks and fail again,then moved to welding training where Kariuki was the owner and showed some passion in Gordon then decided to train him for free.

Gordon became a welder for two years,then in the year 2005 December he moved back to Kisumu and join the lake side where he did fishing for some times then in January 2006 he moved to Uganda to stay with his sister and join fishing where he stayed for four months then failed again because of sickness.

Gordon was forced to move back to Kisumu near pipeline beach at Otonglo area in Usoma beach where he participated in sand fetching for two months before the area chief brought police to arrest him for participating in sand fetching in prohibited area which was a lie but the truth was that Gordon was not a person from the area therefore the community felt there is need to remove him. He failed again though he escaped the arrest through swimming inside deep the lake then moved back home .

At home he joined again fishing around Ndere national park where again after sometime he got arrested together with other fisherman and was beaten up thoroughly with gun back from game rangers. Gordon was taken to Kisumu central police station then the next day they were taken to Maseno court for trespass which was not true,but they were forced to agree after the beating.

His fellow we're realised on cash bale after court hearing and judgement,Gordon did not have someone or money to pay for his cash bale, therefore he was taken to prison where he stayed for four months then his brother managed to sell a goat to get him out.

From there he moved to Nairobi in 2007 again to try his luck again which failed after post election violence where he escaped death from the clashes.

During all these period Gordon was an alcohol addict from the year 2003 as a result of stress,

After the power sharing Gordon joined matatu sector as a makanga where he worked for two months the due to the new rules of Michuki he was forced to stop and go back home again.

After falling into a deep thought about his life Gordon decided to go back to school in form one.

In the year 2009 he managed to join form one at Alungo mixed secondary School where he studied going to do fishing to get school fee on weekend and studying on week days,he managed to complete his form four by the year 2012 by the help of well-wishers and managed to get a grade of C minus.

Gordon was a determined person and passionate about the task in his hand.

After completing form four Gordon decided to look for a college,but the challenge was school fee as he was coming from a poor background.

In August 2013 he managed to identify the college in Nairobi Zetech college and another one in Eldoret.

He struggled to find money to join the college,front and back he had only 10,000,Gordon decided to move to Nairobi but his parents were against the idea as 10,000 was not enough to pay school fee,rent and buy other needs .

The parents suggestions we're for him to wait for another year to organize a fundraising event to raise the money, Gordon refused to wait and was determined to move to Nairobi to join the college.

Gordon tried to communicate to his relatives in Nairobi and no one was willing to accommodate him,he managed to find a friend whom they knew each other in juakali who accommodated him for two months as he managed to register in Zetech college for Diploma in Business Management,he struggled to go to school from Ongata Rongai to town only two times a week,

After two months of study Gordon was forced to drop out of school due to lack of school fee and then started an idea if printing cards to seek for school fee from Kenyans walking around with the card.

He managed to gather some money then moved to hostel with the help of his uncle who paid for him three months hostel money,

After one semester he dropped out of school,the hostel was closed for him no money to buy food no place to sleep,Gordon almost gave up in life,but through prayer and determination he managed to look for scholarship which he got from NGO who volunteered to pay for him for the whole course that was after missing a whole semester.

Gordon went back to school and moved to rental in Ngara where he stayed until the year 2016 graduation year.

Between 2014 and 2016 Gordon gained alot of experience and work skills,

He worked as an insurance agent in ICEA LION insurance company where he worked for three months and stopped,he also worked as marketing agent with NEXUS magazine .

During college time Gordon became a student leader campus chairman for one term and was awarded by UNHCR in collaboration with Danish Refugee Council together with Zetech university as the best standing student leader of the year who champions for students right.

Gordon graduated in 2016 December with an overall PASS  grade,he the join an internship at the Ministry of Education for three months at account department for basic accounting skills,

In the year 2017 he managed to get a contract as a customer care in First Community Bank which took three months.

From there Gordon started selling tomatoes and onions from Emali in makueni county which did not go long.

Then in December 2017 Gordon managed to start a barbershop with skills he learned from Youtube which untill now he still run .

Gordon is determined person,focus and a believer in the possibility,

Gordon is a person who believe everything is possible.

Gordon also believe that it doesn't matter where you come from,the life you have been through,the challenges whether in jail or outside jail,all these can never and will never define whom you are and will never stop you from achieving your dreams or becoming a role model in the society.


Therefore despite all those challenges Gordon after dropping out of school for six good years did not give up on education managed to complete his education to college level.

"No failure No Success,Know failure Know Success"






Internship in account department at the Ministry of Education

Contact as a customer care at First Community Bank

