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Dickson Mapito Dar es Salaam - Tanzania Cinematographer
Ramadhani Ngota Dar Es Salaam - Tanzania Cinematographer
Tisa Lipa Lusaka - Zambia Cinematographer
Samuel Anakwa Accra - Ghana Cinematographer
Adam Mdoe Dar es Salaam - Tanzania Cinematographer
Godian Fredrick Dar es salaam - Tanzania Cinematographer
Emmanuel Isaya Dar-es-salaam - Tanzania Cinematographer
KAWESI ENOCH kampala - Uganda Cinematographer
Katlego Mtombeni Johannesburg - South Africa Cinematographer
Muzeya Chamudenda Kitwe - Zambia Cinematographer
Donton Tembo Kitwe - Zambia Cinematographer
Temidayo Ogunniyi Lagos - Nigeria Cinematographer