Multichoice Talent Factory Privacy Policy

  1. Introduction
    1. At MultiChoice, we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We strive to ensure that our use of your personal information is lawful, reasonable, and relevant to our business activities, with the ultimate goal of improving our services and your experience.
    2. This Privacy Policy sets out how we process personal information (as described in section 3 below) (“Personal Information“), during and after we collect it directly from you or during and after your use of the website: (“Website“).
    3. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, Personal Information refers to information about an identifiable, living, natural person, such as your name and surname, date of birth, contact details (e.g. your home address, postal address, e-mail address or phone number), and other information that can be used to identify you or is held in association with information that can be used to identify you.
    4. Please read this Privacy Policy completely. By using this Website, you are agreeing that we may process your Personal Information in the ways set out in this Privacy Policy. Queries can be addressed to us at the contact information provided at the end of this Policy. This Privacy Policy is subject to the laws of the Republic of South Africa.
  2. How Do We Receive Personal Information?
    1. We may receive personal Information about you in several ways, including when you register to use this Website and/ or submit your Personal Information to us for any other reason.
    2. We passively receive some of your Personal Information from the Device that you use to access and navigate through the Website, using various technological means, including relying on server logs to collect and maintain log file information. Your “Device” could be a laptop, desktop computer, smartphone, or tablet or similar device.
    3. Some of the information we receive is Personal Information, and some is non-personal information that becomes personal if it is connected to your Account information. In some circumstances we will de-identify, anonymize or segregate information so that we may make use of it in aggregate form without treating it as Personal Information.
  3. What Information Do We Receive?
    1. Basic Account Information: You must provide a username and password to create an account on the Website or to register to use the Website. If you do not wish to provide Basic Account Information to us, then you will not be able to create an account or submit your application on the website.
      1. Volunteering any other information beyond Basic Account Information is optional. An application to participate in the MultiChoice Talent Factory Academy will require additional information as described below (“Other Account Information”). If you do not wish to share Other Account Information with us, then you will not be able to submit an application to participate in the MultiChoice Talent Factory Academy.
    2. Other Account Information: name, surname, email address, date of birth, gender, marital status, cell phone number, postal address, next of kin details, education and work experience, motivation, identification document, curriculum vitae, qualification certificates and other information you may be asked to provide from time to time as part of your application process.
    3. Device and Device event information: Your IP address, unique device identifier, the nature of the Device which you used to access the Website (e.g. a computer, tablet or smart phone, and which type thereof), the geographic location from which you accessed our site (i.e. the geographic location of your Device), hardware model and settings, operating system type and version, browser type and version, browser language, system activity, crashes.
    4. Log information: This may include your “site activity information”, such as details of how, when and for how long you accessed and used the Website and other site traffic and usage information, URLs, which pages you accessed, the number of pages viewed and the order of those pages, the amount of time spent on those pages, the number of clicks, which video you watched, when and how long you watched, how you interacted with other Website users, and exit pages (i.e. sites which you navigated to when leaving the Website).
    5. Location information: We may use various technologies to determine your actual location, such as geographical data from your Device (which is usually based on the GPS or IP location).
    6. Children: the Website is not targeted at children under the age of 18. We do not knowingly allow persons in this age group to create accounts or use our services without permission to do so.
  4. How We Use your Personal Information
    1. We may use your Personal Information:
      1. to create your user account and ensure that it doesn’t duplicate an existing user account on the Website and allow use of the Website;
      2. as a registered user, to establish, verify or authenticate your identity when you view and access the Website;
      3. to receive and vet applications to participate in the MultiChoice Talent Factory Academy;
      4. to provide you with information on the Website and/or the MultiChoice Talent Factory Academy;
      5. to maintain and update our own or our affiliates’ customer, or potential customer, databases;
      6. to diagnose and deal with technical issues, customer support and other user queries, determine the optimal and fastest route for your Device to use in connecting with the Website, and administer, maintain and secure the Website;
      7. to detect, prevent or deal with actual or alleged fraud, security or the abuse, misuse or unauthorised use of the Website and/or contravention of this Privacy Policy;
      8. to communicate with you and maintain records of our communications with you; including to inform you about any changes to the Website, our MultiChoice Terms and Conditions, this Privacy Policy or other changes that are relevant to you;
      9. to compile aggregate (non-personal) statistical information about browsing habits, click patterns and access to the Website;
      10. to improve the Website, analyse trends and administer the Website;
      11. to fulfil any contractual obligations we may have to you or any third party;
      12. to improve your user experience and the overall quality of our services and to customise the Website to your preferences and tailor information and/or content for you to ensure that it is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your Device;
      13. to provide you with online advertising;
      14. to compile, use, disclose and trade with non-personal statistical information about our users and their access to and use of the Website, browsing habits, click-patterns, preferences, demographics which we or our advertisers may use to develop, provide and improve the Website and the products and services we offer or sell, including targeted advertising to user groups.
        1. Please note that the information referred to in the above paragraph is aggregate information about our users that has been de-identified such that it cannot reasonably be linked back by a third party to identify a user individually.
      15. for security, administrative and legal purposes;
      16. other activities not specifically mentioned that are lawful, reasonable, relevant to our business activities and the minimum necessary and adequate in order for us to provide the Website, and our products and services.
    2. We will seek your permission before using your Personal Information for any other purposes that are incompatible with what we have outlined above.
  5. Sharing of Personal Information
    1. We will not intentionally disclose your Personal Information to third parties other than as set out in this Privacy Policy below or with your permission.
    2. We may share Personal Information with third parties under the following circumstances:
      1. to our affiliates, which includes our holding companies and subsidiaries, and trusted third parties acting exclusively at our instruction, and who are bound to honor the requirements of this Privacy Policy.
      2. to our employees, contractors, suppliers and agents if and to the extent that they need to know that information in order to process it for us and/or to provide services for or to us. Such persons may be disciplined, their contracts terminated or other appropriate action taken if they fail to meet their obligations.
      3. in order to enforce or apply the MultiChoice Terms and Conditions or any other contract between you and us.
      4. in order to protect our rights, property or safety or that of our customers, employees, contractors, agents and any other third party.
      5. in order to mitigate any actual or reasonably perceived risk to us, our customers, employees, contractors, agents or any other third party.
      6. to any third party who acquires (or proposes to acquire) ownership or control of our assets, shares or management, or that of our affiliates, and/or the Website, whether by sale, merger, acquisition or otherwise, and/or to any third party from whom we acquire (or propose to acquire) ownership or control of assets, shares or management, whether by purchase, merger, acquisition or otherwise, subject to confidentiality provisions consistent with this Privacy Policy.
      7. to governmental agencies, stock exchanges and other regulatory or self-regulatory bodies if we are required to do so by law or if we reasonably believe that such action is necessary to:
      8. comply with the law or with any legal process;
        1. protect and defend the rights, property or safety of the Website, our affiliates or our customers, employees, contractors and agents or any third party;
        2. detect, prevent or deal with actual or alleged fraud, security or technical issues or the abuse, misuse or unauthorised use of our site and/or contravention of this privacy policy;
        3. protect the rights, property or safety of members of the public (if you provide false or deceptive information about yourself or misrepresent yourself as being someone else, we may proactively disclose such information to the appropriate regulatory bodies and/or commercial entities).
  6. Transfer of your Personal Information to Other Countries
    1. We generally store your Personal Information on our own servers or in those of service providers that we retain to enable our services across jurisdictions.
    2. If the location to which Personal Information is transferred does not have substantially similar data protection law to that of the Republic of South Africa, we will take legally-required steps to ensure that your Personal Information is adequately protected in that jurisdiction.
  7. Security
    1. We take reasonable technical and organisational measures to secure the integrity of information, using accepted technological standards to prevent unauthorised access to or disclosure of your Personal Information; and to protect your Personal Information from misuse, loss, alteration or destruction.
    2. We store your password using appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the secrecy of the password. You are responsible for keeping your password confidential. Please notify us immediately and change your password if you become aware that your password has or may have become compromised or accessed by an unauthorised person.
    3. Even by taking these and other confidential measures when processing Personal Information, no company can ever guarantee that any system is 100% secure, only that we are using all reasonable means to keep it safe while it is in our custody.
  8. Data Retention
    1. We may retain all Personal Information that we collect from you so long as it remains necessary for the purposes for which it was collected unless there is a valid technical, legal or business reason for us to delete, destroy or de-identify it.
    2. Further, we may keep some or all of your Personal Information for as long as we are required by law, a code of conduct or we reasonably need it for lawful purposes related to our functions and activities; we reasonably need it for evidentiary purposes; or you agree to us keeping it for a specified period.
  9. Data Quality
    1. To the extent required by law, we will take steps to ensure that your Personal Information is accurate, complete, not misleading, and up to date having regard to the purpose for which the information was collected or used.
    2. You must let us know if you believe any information we have about you is incorrect, incomplete, misleading or out of date. As a registered user of the Website, you can modify some of the Personal Information you have included in your profile by logging in and accessing your Account.
    3. You may request that your Personal Information be deleted if it is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected or required by us in terms of any applicable law.
  10. Direct marketing
    1. When you register on the Website you may opt in to receiving direct marketing communication from us from time to time.
    2. You may opt out of receiving direct marketing communication from us at any time by asking us (in any manner, whether telephonically, electronically, in writing or in person) to desist from initiating any direct marketing to you.
  11. Your Controls
    1. You should remember that you have basic rights and responsibilities with respect to your personal data. For example, you may:
      1. control who you share information with, on or via the Website;
      2. request that we indicate to you what Personal Information of yours we have on our systems, subject to legal requirements;
      3. request that we correct or update your personal information or to destroy or delete your personal information, subject to legal requirements;
      4. object to any unlawful processing of your Personal Information; and
      5. refuse the processing of your Personal Information for direct marketing purposes (see above).
  12. Third-party sites
    1. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of a third-party site to which there may be a link on the Website or to which you may log in from the Website.
    2. We advise you to read the privacy policy of each site that you visit and to determine your privacy settings in accordance with your personal preferences.
  13. Changes to this Privacy Policy

    We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we do so, we will post the revised policy on the Website and take reasonably practicable steps to ensure that you are aware of the updated Privacy Policy. Registered users of the Website will also be requested to agree to any changes when they log into their account.

  14. Queries

    If you have questions about our Privacy Policy, please contact us:


    By email: with a copy to